Redmond & Bandon Update

Redmond was HOT with lots of friends at the PCRPC Rottweiler Extravaganza.  Eleanor got her 3rd leg for her Rally Advanced Title.

Bandon was all WIND.  Rott’n Bottoms and the kidz went to Bandon for fun at the beach.  Eleanor & You Know showed in Bred-By.  You Know back from her recovery did great in the ring, acting like it was just yesterday she showed next to the Bee Bee.  Eleanor also got another point and showed great.

We also had some serious snuggle time with Hannibal.  Nancy has done a great job with him and he is starting back up on his cadaver work.  He is having so much fun with her and it is great to know that he is spoiled rott’n.  He even has a girl friend named Lola…..hummm   Pictures to come of Mr. H.

Bandon WA, Saturday July 6, 2013
Eleanor Bred By went WB, BOS (1 point)