Syndey says good-bye
On Friday, January 20, 2017,
David Bert and I said good by to our 1st dog/child we had together. He was a good boy as a young dog and a clever ass hole as a old man. He played a role in each of our dogs lives and we could not asked for a better dog sitter. Sydney aka Syd, Syd Vicious, or Ass Hole, is leaving a legacy that
…no dog will be able to mimic. He out lived most of his brothers and sisters, even to the end was a fighter to wait for his dad to come home from California to say good bye. For those of you “honored” to know him (regardless of what capacity), he made sure that it was memorable.
Teresa Bradley trying to put him in a crate. Gabrielle Torgerson trying to direct him to a kennel. Orchard View Vet Techs trying to wrangle him for activities. Jennifer Reid for his training classes as a young “nice” guy. Thank you Dr. Chris Crawford for being their with him and aiding his departure.
Our kennel is quiet and feels kind of empty of a ass hole. We loved him and had to make those hard decisions.
Good Bye Sydney enjoy playing with Diago & Bee Bee & Kasper over the rainbow bridge.
Came into our lives December 2002 – Departed January 2017.